viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013

Web tools and Apps!

I've just finished watching Nik Peachey's talk, and found it really enriching.
While watching them, I chose one of them, which I think we could use both as teachers and students, and it is the video mail. In the talk Nik very well proposes its use for developing speaking skills and how it would be useful for shy students and I think it's a great idea!
On the other hand I think it is great for our lab lessons. Sometimes we get terrified when it comes to reading in front of our teachers, and it would be great if we could send them a link with our production. I made an attempt at reconrding the tongue twister "Peter Pipper" Have a look!

My video

What do you guys think? Would you give it a try in Lab?

See you around!

Case Study: Cross Curricular Story writing

In class we were able to read and discuss a text where Case Studies of ELT classrooms applied Technology in a way that revolved their way of learning. One of those Cases, the one that shock me the most is about a cross curriculum story written by 6 year-old children. It also included audio material and activities and it can be downloaded from iTunes. According to the text, the teachers of different subjects contributed in the project, and students took part taking into account their interests and abilities. What impressed me is that children made the same job people at a publishing office do, at such an early stage. Do you think we can open new doors to children by guiding them in such a professional way? I do, and I think it's our role... Facilitators!

Puentedura on Twister!

Have you ever dreamt of being someone else? And what about being someone else on Twitter? It's been made easy! Class tools allows you to speak through their mouths.

I've tried this tool with Puentedura, an expert in education, discussing both Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPCK) and SAMR model, want to see what he says?

What do you think of his ideas? I have chosen the ones I liked the most from his talk.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

How far can we get?

Hi, guys!

I'm just leaving here the image I got from the statistics of my blog... Don't just think it's us checking each other's blog, the "magic" of this tool we are using in the class makes our ideas reach way beyond our room or even the institution. Let's take both the pleassure and the responsibility it implies.
See you soon!