martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Case Study: Digital storytelling in Argentina

Let me present you with the Wiki of a school in Argentina. The coordinator together with the teachers have decided to leave coursebooks aside and to design materials that uit their students interests. Their curriculum includes analyzing and commenting on famous art works, filming themselves, going out to the streets and taking pictures of different graffitis
and againg making a video sharing what they liked best, and the one I shared with you here, the recreation of parts of "A midsummer night's dream", by Shakeapeare.
Obviously this teacher applies both the SAMR and TPK models, because she not only presents students with activities that will create learning in a way that could not be achieved without the use of technology, but also, she makes it fit softly, without pushing or presenting technology just because.
Would you dare do what she has? Would you leave your coursebooks aside and make your own materials in a way learning is actually meaningful and motiviting for your students?

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